"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." Arthur C. Clarke

Built with Berta.me

  1. FROM THE HEART (2023)

  2. Movement based audiovisual performance
    Duration: 20 mins

    Collaboration and movement improvisiton by Elza Zīverte


    • 20 September 2023 | live audiovisual performance with Elza Zīverte at RIXC Art and Science festival "Crypto, Art and Climate", RIXC Gallery, Riga
    • 18 June 2023 | live audiovisual performance with Elza Zīverte at "Starptelpa", Latvian Art Academy, Riga
    • 25 January 2023 | "Bewegungsstudien" live sonified and visualised dance performance with Elza Ziverte, Institutsabend, IMWI, Karlsruhe, DE